Wednesday 4 July 2012

Junjou Romantica (S1 and S2)

This is a BL anime.
Now, before you go on and start calling me "fujoshi this" and "fujoshi that," let me tell you...


Junjou Romantica is very similar to Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi (which I gave up and the details to that will follow this). However, the theme of authors and novels is more thorough in Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi. I find that Junjou Romantica is much more open to other occupations rather than just a publishing industry. Because of this, there are a variety of people, meaning more interesting storylines.

Now, the reason I gave up Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi is just that. The theme of the anime is much, much, MUUUUUCH too narrow, as it only focuses on publishing. I did however finish the first season, but as soon as the second season hit, I gave it up. Nonetheless, I did enjoy the first season; I just didn't have the stamina to survive something so continuous.

The art style in Junjou Romantica might seem a bit odd at first (Ukes have big oval eyes, narrow chins and long, spiky grass-like hair and semes also have long, spiky grass-like hair, but their eyes are smaller and more masculine with a very manly chin to follow [my favourite characters will be a genuine comparison]), but, I assure you, you'll get used to it soon enough. Afterall, the BL is too distracting for such details to come to mind~

My favourite characters are:

Akihiko Usami

Misaki Takahashi

 They are the first couple introduced in Junjou Romantica. They're so adorable. As you can see, Akihiko is obviously the dominant male, and hence he is the seme with more manly features than Misaki, who has round, eyes, small, narrow chin and a feminine prescence about him.

I have a visual sense of characters so please ignore my characteristic rant above.

Usami-san isn't a princely guy you would swoon to, but, no doubt you would pass out from his over-dominance. I know I would.

And this is the fangirl/fujoshi within me.


**I hope there'll be a 3rd season!! (crosses fingers)**

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